Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS
Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS


Inversor de onda sinusoidal pura de 1200 W CC y 12 V con cargador, inversor de energía de respaldo UPS

Precio de venta$175.00 Precio normal$245.00
Ahorra $70.00
SKU: HT12212-US-2
Entrada de CA:120 V
Salida de CA:120 V
Modelo del Producto:Usado-Bueno

  • continuous 1200 Watt low frequency pure sine power inverter Peak 3600 watts off grid solar inverter
  • Charging inverter: it can be connected to the grid power or generator, with charging function, charging current can be adjusted
  • High-definition LCD display,full-vision real-time monitoring data,UPS 5-10msec typical transfer time
  • Working Mode(optional): 1.AC Input Priority; 2.Battery Prioritye; 3.ECO Mode; 4.Generator Mode; 5.Unattended Mode;Remote panel available
  • Adjustable charge current off-0%-100%, Five Stage Smart Charger, 15A battery AC charger max Support lifep04,Sealed Gel AGM Flooded Lithium, Sealed, Gel, and Flooded Batteries

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  • Este inversor de potencia puede cargar el banco de baterías cuando alimentación de CA está conectado al inversor.
  • Este inversor puede SOLO Funciona con sistema de batería de 12 V.
  • El inversor NO se puede conectar en paralelo
  • Batería DEBE estar conectado primero
  • 1200 vatios es potencia de salida continua, la potencia máxima es 3600 W

  • Este inversor de onda sinusoidal pura es una combinación de inversor, cargador de batería e interruptor de transferencia automática de CA. La alta eficiencia de transferencia es superior al 90 %, aísla completamente la interferencia de sobretensiones de entrada y salida de voltaje y corriente, es resistente a impactos, tiene una gran capacidad de carga, estabilizador AVR integrado y salida de onda sinusoidal pura estable y continua.
  • Configuración del tipo de batería: SLA/AGM/GEL/batería de ion de litio y personalización. Admite baterías de litio inundadas, selladas, de gel y inundadas LifeP04 AGM.
  • Corriente de carga ajustable: la corriente de carga máxima se puede ajustar de 0 % a 100 %; el 100 % es la corriente de carga máxima de 15 A. Si se establece el valor en 0 %, se desactivará la función de carga.
  • Cinco modos de funcionamiento: modo de prioridad de CA / modo de prioridad de batería / modo generador / modo ECO / modo desatendido. Cuando hay una entrada de CA, la batería se cargará primero y el inversor transferirá la CA de entrada para alimentar la carga. Cuando elige la prioridad de batería, el inversor invertirá de CC de batería a salida de CA. El modo de prioridad de batería y el modo desatendido tienen configuración de restauración de bajo voltaje y configuración de protección de bajo voltaje.
  • Protecciones: Alarma de bajo voltaje de batería / Alarma de alto voltaje de batería / Protección contra sobretemperatura / Protección contra sobrecarga / Protección contra cortocircuito. Se mantuvo el 110%-120% de la salida durante 30 s.
    1. Modo de prioridad de CA : la entrada de CA (red eléctrica de la ciudad) suministrará energía a la salida de CA (carga del aparato) primero y cargará automáticamente la batería al mismo tiempo. El inversor dejará de cargar automáticamente cuando la batería esté completamente cargada. Cuando no haya entrada de CA, el inversor cambiará automáticamente a la fuente de alimentación de la batería.
    2. Modo de prioridad de batería : la energía de la batería suministrará energía a la salida de CA (aparatos/carga). Cuando el voltaje de la batería alcanza el límite de voltaje bajo, si la entrada de CA está activada, el inversor cambiará automáticamente al suministro de entrada de CA; si la entrada de CA está desactivada, el inversor se apagará automáticamente. Cuando el voltaje de la batería alcanza el ajuste de restauración de voltaje bajo, el inversor cambiará automáticamente al suministro de batería.
    3. Modo ECO : similar al modo de prioridad de CA. Cuando la entrada de CA (red eléctrica/red de la ciudad) está apagada, el inversor entrará automáticamente en estado de espera cuando la capacidad de los electrodomésticos sea inferior al 5 % de la capacidad del inversor. El inversor cambiará automáticamente entre el estado encendido y el estado de espera para detectar si la capacidad de salida de CA (electrodomésticos/carga) supera el 5 % de la capacidad del inversor. Si la capacidad de salida de CA supera este límite mencionado anteriormente, el inversor cambiará automáticamente del estado de espera al estado de inversión.
    4. Modo generador : utiliza un generador inestable para generar energía, accede a la entrada de CA del inversor a través del regulador AVR del inversor, coincidencia automática de frecuencia municipal de 50 HZ/60 HZ, regulador de voltaje de salida en el rango operativo normal.
    5. Modo sin supervisión : similar al modo de prioridad de CA. Cuando la entrada de CA (red eléctrica/red eléctrica de la ciudad) es demasiado baja, el inversor apagará automáticamente la salida de CA y entrará en estado de ESPERA. Una vez que la batería se haya cargado nuevamente hasta el punto de voltaje de restauración, el inversor reiniciará la salida de CA. Por otro lado, cuando la entrada de CA se vuelva a activar, el inversor también reiniciará automáticamente la salida de CA.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 28 reviews
    Wilkin jose ortega Marquez
    exelente equipo llego muy bien

    muy buen equipo para sistemas de respaldo

    Verified Customer
    Original DOA, replacement works as intended.

    Original: The unit I ordered arrived defective. The LCD was nonfunctional, although the backlight did illuminate. The indicator lights worked expected, and the service receptacle problem noted in other reviews was present, however without the ability to configure the unit I cannot blindly keep this connected this to a good battery for any significant period. Updates to follow examination of the replacement unit.

    Update 1: I received the replacement unit. Without power there is continuity between line and load sides of W and G, and not L1. The original unit battery light was green, while the replacement unit battery light is yellow. The original unit was missing battery conductors and yet for some reason had a standard PC 5-15P/C13 power cable. Update to follow with a scan of the manual and, following that, a menu button flowchart.

    Update 2: The second unit has performed well. I do wish the battery settings had separate charge start and charge stop settings to allow for different resting and charging voltage, but it does not. I have added manual photos.

    Works great as emergency power backup

    I bought the 1200W unit to use as an emergency power backup for when our house loses power in snowstorms. I primarily have it powering a blower on a gas fireplace and some LED lights, and one standby outlet in case we need to plug in a phone or something.

    In light of other reviews, the very first thing I did was wire it up and test the AC outlet on it to make sure it was wired properly. It was, so hopefully they've fixed the minor assembly error. While I was at it I tested the rest of the terminals and they all were correct too.

    As others have said, the unit itself is fairly heavy and the terminal screws are tough to get to when mounted, so best to connect the cables to it first and then mount it where you intend to put it. I made sure to attach it directly to studs, there's no way drywall anchors would safely hold this amount of weight.

    I paired it with a 100Ah LiFePO4, set the charging voltage to the recommended voltage for the battery, and run it in "AC Priority" mode and it works seamlessly. The display does incorrectly show the battery at "70%" when it switches to DC power, since the battery voltage is ~1V lower under load/rest than it is while charging. But I consider that to be par for the course for these types of things. I let it run my blower and lights for 3 hours and the charge hadn't dropped 1% yet, so it's working fine.

    The fan does indeed run all the time when the unit is on. I have it mounted in my heated garage with a bunch of other equipment so that's not an issue for me.

    I experimented with running it in "ECO Mode" but it wants a larger current draw than I'm providing at idle in order for the inverter to run. If you don't draw enough power in ECO Mode, then it cycles on and off in about 4 second intervals looking for a load. That struck me as suboptimal so I'm just going to use it in AC Priority mode like a typical UPS.

    The manual is a little unclear on this, but the setting for "Battery Charge Current" is settable in 20% intervals up to "100%", with no indication of what that current is. It seems 100% is 15A @ ~14VDC, so it adds about 2A to the 120VAC load it's drawing from the line circuit when it is charging the battery. Take that into account for your AC load capacity feeding the unit.

    Overall, exactly what I needed and I'm happy with it.

    L. Stephens
    Works perfect for a Reef tank backup system

    I purchased this for a automatic switching battery backup for my reef aquarium. It is great for this purpose. I have tested multiple times simulating power outage, the switch over from grid power to battery power is instantaneous.

    This is used to run my return pump, protein skimmer and powerheads. Now I'm no longer worried my aquarium will die if I'm not around for a power outage.

    Running on 1, 12v 35 amp hour battery I get about 3 hrs runtime. I will be adding additional batteries to increase runtime and the ability to run my aquarium heaters as well.

    So if you have a reef aquarium and are looking for a backup system than can run your whole system, not just a pump or two this is it.

    Way more affordable and expandable than the commercial reef battery backups.

    Great features and works fantastic

    This review is for the HT-80112, the 800 Watt unit. I received it Oct 19, 2022 and was pleased to find that cables were included with the unit. I cut the positive cable and attached crimp lugs to each cut end, and inserted a 175 Amp fuse from O'Reilly's. I also checked the output connector that I expected to be miswired after reading the other reviews. Mine is wired correctly.

    I initially found the menus a bit funky, but they actually work fine once you get the feel for them. I set my unit up for AGM, 20% charge rate, unattended mode with dropout at 11.5 V and restore at 12.5 V. I hoped to find that with input power disconnected the inverter would operate until the battery voltage dropped to 11.5 V, at which time the unit would wait for utility power to be restored. Note that as shipped, the dropout voltage is set for 10 volts. I tested the unit with my router, the fiberoptic internet interface, a security system, a microprocessor, and a 75 Watt incandescent bulb for loads. I used the old battery I took out of my pickup, so it only ran a couple of hours, but it worked exactly as desired. When I restored power the battery started charging and completed charge normally. Initial charge rate was around 13 Amps.

    I've pulled power several times and all the equipment stays online. This unit does exactly what I need and has an excellent price. All the connectors are quality and well placed. My one criticism is that the marketing is inadequate. It was unclear to me when I ordered the unit that I could set the dropout voltage, which is critical for unattended operation.

    I emailed the manufacturer twice before I received the unit and received responses each time within 24 hours. I tried unsuccessfully to find a manual for the unit on their website, but was sent one by the manufacturer. The FT series has manuals available for download, but it seems the website hasn't been finished for the HT series yet.

    I next bought the UB121000 100AH battery from Amazon. I ended up setting the dropout voltage for 12.0 volts and using the Lithium Ion/Customize menu set the float voltage to 13.6 volts. The only time my battery will be under load is if the power goes off, and all I really need is either to ride through a power glitch, or have a clean shutdown and a clean startup when the utility power comes back online.

    I've attached photos of my inverter waveforms with my 35 Watt load attached. The inverter isn't quite as pure as utility power, but it isn't bad. One photo shows the transition from utility power to inverter, and the other shows the transition from inverter to utility. Inverter to utility looked identical in various captures. I only did the one capture of utility to inverter, which happened when I pulled the wall plug to the inverter. One nice thing is when you restore utility power the inverter waits a couple of seconds before it switches back to utility power, so the glitch you sometimes see when utility power is coming back online is masked.

    I initially thought I might use the unit to equalize an older flooded cell battery, so I set the float voltage to 15.5V. I never got a straight answer out of their tech support as to what the unit is actually capable of, but it isn't 15.5 Volts, even though you can set it in the menu. I did see it maintain 14.7. The specs in the manual show DC input voltage: 10.5 to 15 volts.

    I discharged my UB121000 battery for 15 hours for a total of about 42 Amp Hours to around 12.23 volts. It was mostly recharged in about three hours, but I was still seeing around 100mA of charge current 24 hours later. This unit has all the features I need and works great. I couldn't be happier with it.